12.15 - 12.50 Arrival, registration and light lunch buffet
12.50 - 12.55 Welcome
12.58 - 13.18
Why you should be looking at the
biotechnology sector for investment
Linden Thomson, AXA Investment Managers
13.21 - 13.41
Fundamentally uncorrelated returns
Toby Hayes, Trium Capital
13.44 - 14.04
Back to basics: a focus on credit
selection in investment grade
Ian Horn, Muzinich & Co
14.07 - 14.27
Investing with (social) impact:
widening opportunities in inclusive growth
Marina Iodice, Goldman Sachs Asset Management
14.30 - 14.45 Coffee break
14.50 - 15.10
Value chains and investment opportunities
in powering the green transition
Joëlle Amram, J. Safra Sarasin Asset Management
15.13 - 15.33
Finding value in global small-cap equities
Harry Fraser, Oldfield Partners
15.36 - 13.56
Only the best will do
Quentin Macfarlane, Seilern Investment Management
16.00 - 16.20
Global small cap: the beginning of a multi-year uptrend
Imogen Harris, Premier Miton Investors 16.22 - 16.25 Close
16.25 - 17.00 Drinks