Speakers and topics
Why you should be looking at the biotechnology sector for investment
AXA Framlington Biotech Fund.
The success of vaccines and therapeutics developed during the Covid pandemic shone a global spotlight on the biotechnology sector. However, from an investment perspective it remains somewhat under the radar. Offering investors diversification and exposure to innovation-led growth Linden will highlight near-term commercial opportunities in obesity and Alzheimer’s disease. She will also discuss other early-stage technologies that have similar potential to make a real difference for patients.
Investing with (social) impact: widening opportunities in inclusive growth
GS Global Social Impact Equity Portfolio
The drive towards reducing social inequality and fostering more inclusive societies represents one of today’s greatest imperatives, whilst also offering access to a range of exciting investment opportunities. In this session, Marina will outline what she believes are significant tailwinds for companies providing impact solutions for society as a whole, how these can translate into compelling investment opportunities and how investors aim to measure the impact generated.
Value chains and investment opportunities in powering the green transition
JSS Sustainable Equity – Green Planet
The global transition towards a greener economy presents a plethora of investment opportunities. J. Safra Sarasin is an asset manager committed to delivering attractive returns while integrating sustainability and this session aims to explore the potential investment prospects within value chains. By emphasising a selection of key themes, the team can construct a concentrated portfolio that not only generates attractive financial returns but also maximises exposure to green revenues, thereby fostering positive outcomes for investors and the planet alike.
Back to basics: a focus on credit
selection in investment grade
Global Market Duration Investment Grade
Ian will review Muzinich’s Global Market Duration Investment Grade Fund, as well as discussing the opportunities in investment grade credit more broadly. He will also speak about Muzinich & Co's relative value views within credit, its views on rates and monetary policy, as well as how its funds are currently positioned.
Finding value in global
small-cap equities
Overstone Ucits Global Smaller Companies
While smaller caps have traditionally outperformed larger companies, the past five years have seen a reversal of this trend. So what’s next? Harry will examine the case for global, small cap and value. During the presentation, the merits of this asset class will be investigated from both a top-down and bottom-up perspective, examining the opportunity offered by the representative index through to stock examples.
Global small cap: the beginning of a multi-year uptrend
Premier Miton Global Smaller Companies Fund
Global small caps have struggled in recent years due to the dominance of large cap tech, a potential upcoming recession and a bear market. However, this may now present a buying opportunity, as historically global small caps have tended to outperform when the economic news is at its worst and continue to outperform for several years afterwards. Imogen will outline how to take advantage of this via the Premier Miton Global Smaller Companies fund and its focus on quality companies with positive earnings momentum. Idea generation takes place across the globe, within a macroeconomic-aware framework.
Only the best will do
Seilern America
Quentin will discuss the quality growth investment philosophy and process that Seilern has successfully employed for more than 30 years. He will outline the benefits of running a concentrated portfolio of between 17-24 US equities and explore the role that Seilern America can play in professional intermediaries' portfolios.
Fundamentally uncorrelated returns
Trium Alternative Growth Fund
Toby talks through one of his favourite fundamentally uncorrelated strategies, commodity congestion. He will explain when it works and why.